Specification Sheet

Open-angle and Balanced Sitting
A more open hip angle is better for low back posture
and disc health putting the back into its natural
S-shaped alignment
The body is best able to respond positively to any
impulse to move when it is in balance
A good posture keeps the skeletal structure
balanced and aligned
Promotes support by aligning the bones, rather than
holding the muscles in a rigid pose
Near-standing posture provides an open-angle and
gives balance to your body
Move Small
Freedom for movement and less strain on the back
gives freedom to concentrate on work - not on pain in
the back or wear and tear of static sitting
Allows body to find active posture
Prevents tension in neck and shoulders
Strengthens core and abdominal muscles
Enhances deep breathing
Improves concentration through increased blood
circulation and oxygen supply
Energizes and combats tiredness
Reduces pressure on vertebral discs
Versatile support at home and office
Healthy Sitting
360° saddle-shaped seat
Gives a natural open angel between thigh and torso
for better posture
Freedom to sit and move in all directions
Comfortable support when “standing
Comfortable to sit on
Tilted circle base
Follows the bodys movement
The base tilts and gives a natural open angel between
thigh and torso - the center of gravity is moved from
the back to the feet, which makes breathing easier
Easy to move around while working
Base made in laminated wood with a core in
beech, and top laminate in ash
Base made in laminated wood with a core in beech,
and top laminate in ash
Bene ts