
EasyTalk Wireless Mic
EasyTalk Wireless USB Mic System - Document Number 342-0442 Rev A Page 9 of 16
Table: Belt Pack Dip Switch Settings:
Belt Pack Configuration Settings:
The Belt Pack has a number of custom settings that can be enabled or disabled for specific applications. These
settings can be applied by activating dip switch settings on the two (2) 4-position dip switches SW4 and SW5
located on the Belt Pack Circuit Board
Switch Set 4 (SW4):
Dip Switch 1: Not Used
Dip Switch 2 - IR Transmitter: ON enables the IR Transmitter LEDs in the IR Lanyard. OFF disables the IR
Transmitters in the Lanyard and the camera tracking will not function.
Dip Switch 3 - Radio in Belt Pack: ON enables the Radio circuit in the Belt Pack. OFF disables the Radio
Dip Switch 4 - Clear Pairing: ON clears the pairing setting of the receiver in the Belt Pack.
Switch Set 5 (SW5):
Dip Switch 1: Gain, Enable adds a three (3) dB gain to the microphone audio. Disable provides zero gain.
Dip Switch 2: Gain, Enable adds a six (6) dB gain to the microphone audio. Disable provides zero gain.
Dip Switch 3: Gain, Enable adds a nine (9) dB gain to the microphone audio. Disable provides zero gain.
Note: The following Gain Boost Switches, 1 through 3, can be used individually or in
combination. For example, if Dip Switch 1, 3dB Gain and Dip Switch 2, 6dB Gain are both ON,
they will add a total of 9 dB of gain
Dip Switch 4: Automatic Gain Control ON enables an Automatic Gain Control function that maintains a
constant audio level to regulate soft talkers as well as loud talkers. OFF disables the Automatic Gain
Control, of course.
Dip Switch Function
Switch Set 4 (SW4)
1 Not Used
2 ON/OFF - IR LED’s in Lanyard
3 ON/OFF - Radio in Belt Pack *Turn off when not
using Optional EasyTalk Wireless Receiver
4 Clear Pairing (pairing is required for proper operation)
Switch Set 5 (SW5)
1 ON/OFF: ON adds 3dB Gain Boost on Microphone
2 ON/OFF: ON adds 6dB Gain Boost on Microphone
3 ON/OFF: ON adds 9dB Gain Boost on Microphone
4 ON/OFF: Automatic Gain Control Mode