Operation Manual

Unplug the appliance and let it cool down 1.
completely before cleaning.
Please note that incorrect or inadequate 2.
cleaning or irregular descaling will result in
the exclusion of warranty.
Clean the heating and control element with 3.
a damp cloth and a mild detergent or very
carefully with a soft brush.
Never use an abrasive or a scrubber. 4.
Please make sure that the heating and
control element is not immersed in water.
Keep all electrical parts dry.
The water container, lid, cooking tray and 5.
wire basket can be cleaned in warm water
with a mild detergent or in a dishwasher.
To avoid limescale, clean the appliance 6.
after each use.
Limescale can be removed by wiping the 7.
water container resp. the heating element
with lemon juice or vinegar on a damp
Wipe off the residue with a clean damp 8.
Steaming different kinds of food can discou-9.
lour the heating element. This is a normal
process and no reason for rejection.
Cleaning and maintenance
back to the required time. As soon as the
appliance is turn-switched on, the control
light will turn on. After the preset time has
elapsed, the appliance will turn-switch off
automatically und the control light will turn
Make sure that the turn-switch is in the 10.
OFF position before lifting the lid carefully.
Beware of the rising hot steam!
Remove the cooking tray or wire basket.11.
Always unplug the appliance after use. 12.