Well Done 1 Home Kits, LLC
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I get with my Steel Stud Frame purchase on Home Depot?
1. Steel stud framing structure (steel stud frame only)
2. Framing calculation package
3. Stamped Engineering plans for the Steel Stud Frame only
4. Foundation Plan
5. Assembly hardware and instruction booklet
Well Done 1 has a National MEPS (Mechanical, Engineering, Plumbing +
Structural) Engineer to ensure your Steel Stud Framing Structure will achieve
permits. (This is a separate service we can provide for an additional fee,
otherwise the Buyer is responsible for the purchase. There are NO RETURNS once
the order is placed.)
If you require assistance with your permitting or construction process, please
Contact Us!
What is a Dry-in Kit?
The term "dry-in" refers to the stage of construction where the building is enclosed
and protected from rain and other environmental factors, allowing interior work
to proceed without being exposed to the weather. Dry-in kits are especially
common in construction projects where speed and efficiency are crucial, as they
provide a convenient way to quickly establish the basic structure of the building
and include exterior finishes, only before proceeding with interior finishes and
other construction activities. Well Done 1 Homes’ dry-in kits come with
Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) plans, architectural drawings, and
Title 24 compliance where necessary. The package also includes structural
engineering and calculations specifically tailored for the steel stud frame kit and
foundation plan.
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