Product Brochure

Telecommunication Boxes
No more getting bent out of shape worrying
about cable bend radius.
With its increased size over standard boxes — and a slack cable/service loop in the
box — a 5 SQUARE
Telecommunication Box incorporates a cable management system
guaranteeing minimum bend radius now and for future transmission rate increases.
Telecommunication Box supports copper CAT5e, CAT6, CAT6A, CAT7,
CAT7A and fiber optic cables as well as expected future generations of cables. The
slack cable/service loop in the box reduces labor during installation as well as during
maintenance, which further increases cost savings.
• Integratedcablemanagementpostspreventkinkedandover-bent
cables to help ensure proper data transmission
• BICSI-recommendedslackcableloopeliminatestheneedforasecond
technician in a remote location to assist in pulling the cable out of the
box for connector termination
• Saveupto50%inlabor
• Eliminatetheneedtoremoveceilingtilestoaccesstheslackcableloop,
preventing damage and debris