Use and Care Manual

Botanical Name Rosmarinus officinalis
Sun Exposure Full sun to partial shade
USDA Zones 7-11
Mature Size Approximately 48 W x 48 H
Rosemary is a perennial evergreen shrub with blue flowers. It is an aromatic and
distinctive herb with a sweet, resinous flavor.
Plant in full sun.
The planting site should have well-draining soil. Rosemary won’t tolerate being
consistently wet.
Be sure to give your plants enough room to grow. Once established, rosemary can
eventually grow to about 4 feet tall and spread about 4 feet as well.
Water rosemary plants evenly throughout the growing season, but be careful not
to overwater.
Prune regularly so that plants won’t get lanky.
For fresh rosemary in the winter, grow the plant indoors in a pot (or take a cutting
from an outdoor plant and keep a second indoors). Be sure to put it in bright light
and protect it from cold drafts.
Rosemary that’s grown in the ground does not transplant to containers well, so
consider growing it in a container that can be brought inside during the colder
Be sure to get cuttings or divide the plant for next season if it won’t survive winter
in your area.

Summary of content (1 pages)