Assembly Instructions

Pedicure Spa
Treat your inflatable foot bath with care. If it springs a leak,
You can fnd vinyl repair kits at most hardware supply stores.
Make sure the surface of the pool is dry before repairin g it.
Don’t Forget Your Fingernails!
Make sure you get the ultimate spa experience by giving yourself a manicure too!
When the paint on your fingernails have dried, you can decorate them just like your toes.
With cute nail stickers!
If you want to remove the nail polish, you can use a cotton ball with water and soap
and a little scrubbing.
You can also peel the polish off.
Totes & Bags
Keep all your supplies
in the large spa tote bag.
Perfect for a spa on the go.
Store the leftover jelzeez beads
in a small plastic storage bag.
Make sure it’s
closed securely.
Note - as with most plastic and foam accessories,
You may notice a slight odorwhen your first open them.
Washing before use and airing out components willhelp reduce the odor.
Begin by blowing up your pedicure pool.
Place it over a towel.
Fill the pool ½ way with warm water!
Pour some of the jelzeez beads
the pool and soak your feet.
Open the towel and use it gently
to wash your feet.
When your feet are soft, dry them with your towel.
Note – make sure that every new person should
change the water.
You can use the nail file to help smooth the top of your nail.
Use the toe separators to keep the polish
you’re about to apply neat and clean.
Shake the nail polish and begin to paint.
When the paint has dried, add more coats as needed to
get the color you desire.
When your polish has dried, you can then add the nail art stickers for an
extra special pedicure touch!
NOTE: Nail polish should be tightly closed when not in use.
When you’ve completed the pedicure, you can remove the toe separators
and put on your spa slippers.

Summary of content (2 pages)