Assembly Instructions Chapter 3

LX Series Power Amplifier Assembly Chapter 3, Site Considerations,
Installation and Setup Procedures
LX Series, Rev. 0 3-7
3.5.2 Front Panel Screens for the
Exciter/Amplifier Chassis Assembly
A 4 x 20 display located on the front of
the Control & Monitoring/Power Supply
Module is used in the LX Series
translator for control of the operation
and display of the operating parameters
of the translator. Below are the display
screens for the system. The and
characters are special characters used to
navigate up or down through the menu
screens. Display text flashes on discrete
fault conditions for all screens that
display a fault condition.
When the translator is in operate mode,
the STB menu appears. When the
translator is in standby mode, the OPR
menu appears.
Display Menu Screens for the LX Series Translator
Table 3-2: Menu 01 - Splash Screen #1
1 0 3 F R E E D O M D R I V E
R E N C E , P A . 1 5 0 5 5
( 7 2 4 ) 8 7 3 - 8 1 0 0
This is the first of the two translator splash screens that is shown for the first few
seconds after reset.
Table 3-3: Menu 02- Splash Screen #2
N N O V A T O R L D U 5 0 0 A L
C O D E V E R S I O N 1 . 0
F I R M W A R E 1 3 0 2 1 6 4
S C A D A A D D R E S S 5
This is the second of the two translator splash screens
Table 3-4: Menu 10 - Main Screen
V I S U A L P W R 1 0 0 %
A U R A L P W R 1 0 0 %
R E F L E C T E D P W R 1 . 0 %
This is the default main screen of the translator. When the translator is in operate, the
'STB' characters appear allowing an operator to place the translator in STAND-BY. When
the translator is in standby the 'STB' characters are replaced with 'OPR' and an operator
can place the translator into OPERATE by pressing the right most switch on the front
panel display. If the
key is activated the system changes to Menu 11, go to Menu 11.
If the
key is activated the system displays to Menu 13, go to Menu 13.