Assembly Instructions Chapter 3

LX Series Power Amplifier Assembly Chapter 3, Site Considerations,
Installation and Setup Procedures
LX Series, Rev. 0 3-13
Table 3-22: Menu 40-10 - Translator Set-up: System Reflected Power Calibration
T R A N S M I T T E R S E T - U P
0 6 S Y S T E M C A L I B R A T E
R E F L E C T P W R X . X %
( + ) E S C ( - )
This screen is used to adjust the calibration of the system's reflected power.
Table 3-23: Menu 40-11 - Translator Set-up: Forward Power Fault Threshold Screen
T R A N S M I T T E R S E T - U P
0 7 M I N I M U M F O R W A R D
P O WE R F A U L T 5 0 %
( + ) E S C ( - )
This screen is used to set the minimum forward power fault threshold. When the
translator is operating, it must operate above this value otherwise the system will shut
down with fault for 5 minutes. If after five minutes the fault is not fixed, the translator
will enable, measure power less than this value and again shut down for five minutes.
Table 3-24: Menu 40-12 - Translator Set-up: Reflected Power Fault Threshold
T R A N S M I T T E R S E T - U P
0 8 M A X I M U M R E F L E C T E
P O WE R F A U L T 1 0 %
( + ) E S C ( - )
This screen is used to set the maximum reflected power fault threshold. When the
translator is operating, it must not operate above this value otherwise the system will
shut down with fault for 5 minutes. If after five minutes the fault is not fixed, the
translator will enable, measure power above this value and again shut down for five
Table 3-25: Menu 40-13 - Translator Set-up: Remote Commands Control
T R A N S M I T T E R S E T - U P
0 9 R E M O T E C O N T R O L
( + ) E S C ( - )
This screen is used to allow or deny the use of remote control commands. When
disabled, remote commands are not used. Remote commands are commands received
either through the rear terminal blocks or through serial messages.
This completes the description of the
screens for the LX Series
exciter/amplifier chassis assembly.
If the translator is already connected to
the antenna, check that the output is
100%. If necessary, adjust the
amplifier power detection circuitry or
LO / Upconverter AGC settings. The
power raise / lower settings are only to
be used for temporary reductions in
power. The power set-back values do
not directly correspond to the power of
the translator. Setting for 50% output