User Manual

UHF Analog Driver/Transmitter/Translator Table of Contents
LX Series, Rev. 3 v
2-1 LX Series Trays and Assemblies................................................... 2-1
2-2 Receiver Front Panel Switch........................................................ 2-3
2-3 Receiver Front Panel Status Indicators.......................................... 2-3
2-4 Receiver Front Panel Control Adjustments ..................................... 2-3
2-5 Receiver Front Panel Samples ..................................................... 2-3
2-6 Modulator Front Panel Switch...................................................... 2-4
2-7 Modulator Front Panel Status Indicators ........................................ 2-4
2-8 Modulator Front Panel Control Adjustments.................................... 2-5
2-9 Modulator Front Panel Sample..................................................... 2-5
2-10 IF Processor Front Panel Switch................................................... 2-6
2-11 IF Processor Front Panel Status Indicators ..................................... 2-6
2-12 IF Processor Front Panel Control Adjustments................................. 2-7
2-13 IF Processor Front Panel Sample.................................................. 2-7
2-14 VHF/UHF Upconverter Front Panel Switch...................................... 2-8
2-15 VHF/UHF Upconverter Front Panel Status Indicators ........................ 2-8
2-16 VHF/UHF Upconverter Front Panel Control Adjustments.................... 2-8
2-17 VHF/UHF Upconverter Front Panel Samples.................................... 2-8
2-18 Controller/Power Supply Front Panel Display .................................. 2-9
2-19 Controller/Power Supply Front Panel Status Indicators ..................... 2-9
2-20 Controller/Power Supply Front Panel Control Adjustments................. 2-9
2-21 Power Amplifier Front Panel Status Indicators................................2-11
2-22 Power Amplifier Front Panel Control Adjustments...........................2-11
2-23 Power Amplifier Front Panel Sample ............................................2-11
2-24 Driver Amplifier Front Panel Status Indicators................................2-13
2-25 Driver Amplifier Front Panel Control Adjustments...........................2-13
2-26 Driver Amplifier Front Panel Sample ............................................2-13
2-27 UHF Television Frequencies .......................................................2-16
2-28 LX Series Chassis Customer Remote Connections...................2-18
3-1 LX Series Transmitters AC Input and Current Requirements.............. 3-1
3-2 LX Series Transmitters AC Input and Current Requirements.............. 3-6
3-3 Rear Chassis Connections for LX Series Analog Transmitters ............. 3-8
(Optional) Exciter Switcher Menu Screens....................................................3-11
3-4 Exciter Switcher Menu 01 Splash Screen #1 .................................3-11
3-5 Menu 02 Splash Screen #2........................................................3-11
3-6 Menu 03 Exciter Switcher Control Screen, Automatic Operation.......3-11
3-7 Menu 04 Exciter Switcher Control Screen, Manual Operation...........3-11
3-8 Menu 05 Exciter Switcher Control Screen, Amps On Line................3-11
3-9 Menu 06 Exciter Switcher Control Screen, Cancel Auto Back up.......3-12
3-10 Menu 07 Exciter Switcher Control Screen, B Back up to A...............3-12
3-11 Menu 08 Exciter Switcher Control Screen, back up Changeover.......3-12
3-12 Menu 09 Exciter Switcher Control Screen, Ext Amp Status..............3-12
3-13 Menu 10 Exciter Switcher Control Screen, Ext Amp Status..............3-12
LX System Controller Menu Screens .............................................................3-13
3-14 Menu 01 Splash Screen #1........................................................3-13
3-15 Menu 02 Splash Screen #2........................................................3-13
3-16 Menu 10 Main Screen ..............................................................3-13
3-17 Menu 11 Error List Access Screen...............................................3-14
3-18 Menu 12 Transmitter Device Data Access Screen ..........................3-14
3-19 Menu 13 Transmitter Configuration Access Screen ........................3-14