User Manual

UHF Analog Driver/ Transm it ter Chapter 3, Sit e Considerat ions,
I nst allat ion and Set up Procedures
LX Series, Rev. 0 3- 2
sources of heat, such as personnel, and
all should be taken into account.
Now that the am ount of heat that m ust
be rem oved is known, the next step is to
determ ine how to accomplish this. The
options are air conditioning, ventilation,
or a combination of the two. Air
conditioning is always the preferred
method and is the only way to create
anything close to an ideal environment.
Ventilation will work quite well if the
am bient air tem perature is below 100° F,
or about 38° C, and the hum idity is kept
at a reasonable level. I n addition, the air
stream must be adequately filtered to
ensure that no airborne particulates of
any kind will be carried into the
transm itter. The com bination of air
conditioning for sum mer and ventilation
during the cooler m onths is acceptable
when the proper cooling cannot be
obtained through the use of ventilation
alone and using air conditioning
throughout the year is not feasible.
Caut ion: The use of air condit ioning
and vent ilat ion sim ult a neously is not
recom m e n ded. This ca n ca u se
condensat ion in t he t ra nsm it t e r s.
The following precautions should be
observed regarding air conditioning
system s:
1. Air conditioners have an ARI
nominal cooling capacity rating. I n
selecting an air conditioner, do not
assume that this num ber can be
equated to the requirem ents of
the site. Make certain that the
contractor uses the actual
conditions that are to be
maintained at the site in
determ ining the size of the air
conditioning unit. With the desired
conditioned room tem perature
under 80° F, the unit must be
derated, possibly by a substantial
am ount .
2. Do not have the air conditioner
blowing directly onto the
transm itter. Under certain
conditions, condensation may
occur on, or worse in, the
transm itter.
3. Do not separate the front of the
transm itter from the back with the
thought of air conditioning only
the front of the unit. Cooling air is
drawn in at the front of all
transm itters and in the front and
back of others. Any attempt to
separate the front of the
transm itter from the rear of the
unit will adversely affect the flow
of cooling air.
4. I nterlocking the transm itter with
the air conditioner is
recomm ended to keep the
transm itter from operating without
the necessary cooling.
5. The periodic cleaning of all filters
is a must.
When using ventilation alone, the
following general statem ents apply:
1. The blower, with attendant filters,
should be on the inlet, thereby
pressurizing the room and
preventing dirt from entering the
transm itter.
2. The inlet and outlet vents should
be on the sam e side of the
building, preferably the leeward
side. As a result, the pressure
differential created by wind will be
minim ized. Only the outlet vent
may be released through the roof.
3. The inlet and outlet vents should
be screened with 1/ 8- inch
hardware cloth (preferred) or
galvanized hardware cloth
4. Cooling air should enter the room
as low as practical but in no case