Operation Manual

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This MP3 player is optimized for the provided earphones (32 Ohm impedance). Using other earphones with a lower impedance
can damage the MP3 player or earphone, especially MP3 players with 2 earphone jacks.
Note: This device can produce high volumes. To prevent hearing loss, do not listen to high volumes for long periods. Do not use in
street traffic.
Do not use USB cables longer than 3 meters.
The manufacturer retains the right to continuously improve the product. These changes may be made without being directly
described in these quick guides. For this reason, the information provided in these quick guides may not reflect the current
state of the art.
The manufacturer only guarantees suitability for the product"s intended purpose. In addition, the manufacturer is not
responsible for damages or loss of data and subsequent consequences.
Copyright © 2006 TrekStor GmbH & Co. KG. All rights retained. Other cited product or company names may be trademarks or
brand names of the respective owner.
Mode: Music library
Switch to "MUSIC LIBRARY" mode.
You can now select from the following options in the music library: "*PLAY ALL", "ARTIST" "ALBUM", "TRACK",
Press the G or H button to select the desired option and confirm by pressing the A button.
If you select e.g. "ARTIST", the artists are displayed whose song you have transferred to the i.Beat jump.
Select an artist and confirm your selection by pressing the A button. All the artist’s albums on the
player are then shown. Select a specific album and press the A button to show all the songs on
the album. To play a specific song select it and then press the A button. To play all the songs on
an album, select "*PLAY ALL".
Deleting a song in the music library
Select the song you want to delete in the Music Library and briefly press the 4 button. To confirm
that you want to delete the song, switch to "YES" by pressing the G or H button and then press
the A button.
Mode: Settings
Switch to the "SETTINGS" mode.
This mode allows you to load and set the equalizer, various repeat functions, contrast, the duration
of the display, eco mode (automatic shutoff), recording quality marquee speed for the ID3 tag,
language and default settings of the i.Beat jump.
Press the G or H button to select the desired setting and confirm by pressing the A button.
Mode: About
Switch to the "ABOUT" mode.
In this mode, you can display the current firmware version, the entire memory and free memory of
the i.Beat jump.