User's Manual

System Guide
TransCore Proprietary
Power Fail
The system maintains a power fail flag. The host transmits command #520 Display Power
Fail Bit to determine if a power down has occurred. This flag is cleared by both command
#63 Reset Reader and command #65 Reset Power Fail Bit.
Program Download
Program download stores the MPRX application software into the reader’s flash memory.
Program download is used to install program upgrades, add features, and to recover
from corrupted program data.
Note: Program download is a custom TransCore utility hosted process.
Download Considerations
You should consider the following factors when performing program download:
The MPRX does not process tags while in download mode.
The MPRX does not accept any program data unless a successful erase of flash
memory has been performed before transmitting the data. Erasing the flash memory
typically takes two seconds.
Cycling reader power after exiting from download mode re-executes startup. If
the new software has been loaded without errors, the MPRX comes up in data
mode. If a flash checksum error is detected, the MPRX reenters download mode
and transmits a sign-on message with a boot version of 0.00x and without a serial
Note: The MPRX uses default boot communications parameters when operating in
download mode 38400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, basic protocol and
does not echo commands.
Download Procedures
If TransCore releases a new version of the MPRX software or if the MPRX does not
appear to be working properly, you may need to download the software to the MPRX.
Contact technical support or your TransCore MPRX sales representative.
Upon startup, MPRX transmits a sign-on message or a boot ROM failure message.
Sign-On Message
If startup is successful, the sign-on message appears as follows:
Model E4 Series [software version] SNSSSSSS [Copyright
where SSSSSS is the serial number assigned to the MPRX unit being used.