User's Manual

2.0 Getting Started
8. Tap the New button
9. Immediately press and release the Shift+Control+A keys on the
attached keyboard, and the sequence will be held in memory.
10. e New and Add buttons will dim while the Stop button will
become active.
11. Tap the Stop button.
12. e key recording will stop and the Record Keyboard Cap-
ture - Prex
window dialog box will show the key strokes for the
Shift+Control+A action.
NOTE: All the key strokes the scanner generates when reading a bar-
code gets recorded: prex, barcode data, and sux. In the dia-
log above, the line directly aer the prex has been selected.
13. Tap the Remove button repeatedly to remove the key events for the
barcode data and sux from the list.
14. Tap the Next button.