
DCOF measures a tile’s slip resistance when it’s subjected to dynamic
forces, such as walking or running. It is a crucial factor in determining
tile safety, especially in areas prone to moisture or wet conditions like
bathrooms and kitchens.
The higher the DCOF value, the better a tile’s slip resistance. A DCOF
value of 0.42 or higher is generally considered safe for
most applications.
Water absorption, also known as porosity, indicates how much
water a tile can absorb. It is expressed as a percentage of the
tile’s weight.
Tiles with lower water absorption are ideal for wet areas, as
they are less likely to absorb moisture and are more resistant to
staining and cracking.
Breaking strength measures a tile’s resistance to breaking or
fracturing under pressure. It is typically expressed in pounds
per square inch (psi).
Tiles with higher breaking strength are more durable and suitable
for high-trac areas.
Chemical resistance indicates how well a tile can withstand
exposure to various chemicals, including household cleaning
products and acids.
This property is essential in areas where tiles might come into
contact with chemicals, such as kitchens.
Freeze/thaw resistance is relevant for outdoor tiles or tiles
exposed to extreme temperature uctuations. It measures a tile’s
ability to endure cycles of freezing and thawing without cracking
or deteriorating.
Tiles designed for outdoor use often have good freeze/
thaw resistance.
Rectied tiles have precise, sharp edges and uniform dimensions
because they are mechanically cut after ring. This allows for very
tight grout joints and a clean, modern appearance.
Pressed tiles are molded and then red, and they may have slightly
rounded edges and size variations.
Hardness measures a tile’s resistance to scratches and wear. The
Mohs scale or the PEI rating (explained below) is often used to
indicate tile hardness.
Harder tiles are more suitable for high-trac areas and are less likely
to show signs of wear and tear.
The PEI rating indicates a tile’s suitability for specic levels of
foot trac. It ranges from PEI 0 (no foot trac) to PEI 5 (heavy
commercial trac).
It helps consumers choose tiles appropriate for their intended
application, ensuring longevity and durability.
PEI 0 - No Foot Trac: Tiles with a PEI rating of 0 are not suitable for
foot trac. They are typically used for decorative purposes on walls
and are not designed for oors.
PEI 1 - Very Light Trac: Tiles are designed for very light trac areas
such as residential bathrooms or areas where shoes are rarely worn.
They are not suitable for areas with regular foot trac.
PEI 2 - Light Trac: Tiles with a PEI rating of 2 can handle light trac
areas in residential settings like bedrooms and bathrooms.
They are not recommended for high-trac areas or commercial use.
PEI 3 - Moderate Trac: Tiles are suitable for moderate foot trac in
residential areas like kitchens, hallways, and living rooms. They can
also be used in light commercial settings with limited foot trac.
PEI 4 - Heavy Trac: Tiles are designed to withstand heavy foot
trac and are suitable for high-trac residential areas like entryways
and commercial spaces such as restaurants or oces.
They are durable and can withstand signicant wear and tear.
PEI 5 - Extra Heavy Trac: Tiles are specically engineered for extra
heavy foot trac areas, such as shopping malls, airports, or other
commercial spaces with constant use.
They are highly durable and resistant to wear and abrasion.
Selecting the appropriate PEI rating for your tile depends on the level
of foot trac the area will experience. Using tiles with the correct
PEI rating ensures longevity and minimizes the need for premature
replacement due to wear and damage.
Understanding these terms can assist you in selecting the right tiles
for your specic needs and ensuring they meet your aesthetic and
functional requirements.
Variation refers to the degree of visual dierence between individual
tiles within the same batch or style. Tiles with high variation have
noticeable dierences in color, texture, or pattern between them.
Some designs benet from variation for a more natural or eclectic
look, while others require minimal variation for a uniform appearance.
V1 - Uniform Appearance: represents tiles with a very consistent
and uniform appearance. Minimal to no variation in color, texture, or
pattern between tiles. Ideal for creating a clean and consistent look,
often used in modern or minimalist designs.
V2 - Slight Variation: V2 tiles have slight variation in color, texture,
or pattern, but it’s relatively subtle. The dierences are noticeable
but not drastic. Suitable for achieving a balanced and harmonious
appearance in various design styles.
V3 - Moderate Variation: exhibit moderate variation in color, texture,
or pattern. Dierences between tiles are more pronounced but
still within a cohesive range. Often used for designs that want to
introduce some visual interest without overwhelming the space.
V4 - Substantial Variation: have substantial and noticeable
variation between tiles. These variations can be quite bold and
distinctive. Typically chosen for designs that embrace a natural or
rustic aesthetic.
V5 - Dramatic Variation: represents tiles with dramatic and striking
variation. The dierences between tiles are very prominent and
create a bold visual impact. Used in designs where the variation itself
becomes a focal point.
These V-levels are used to help consumers and designers choose
tiles that align with their desired aesthetic and design goals. Keep in
mind that the choice of V-level should match the overall style and
theme of the space where the tiles will be installed.

Summary of content (1 pages)