User's Manual

If you select Advanced Settings:
a Press BbC c to select the setting items, and press
OK. A check will appear in the box. To remove the
check, press OK again.
b Press BbC c to select OK field and press OK.
Setting other features
a From the Function menu, press C or c to select
Menu, and then press OK.
b Press C or c to select Settings.
c Press B or b to select the desired item, and press OK.
d Press B or b to select the desired setting, and press
Cookie is the technical information that a website leaves in
this TV so that the website will recognize you when you use
it again.
Cache is a system used to shorten the display time by
checking the past data preserved in this television when a
page that you viewed before is seen again.
To confirm Root Certificates or CA Certificates:
a Press B or b to select Security in step 3 in Setting
other features.
b Press BbC c to select Root Certificates or CA
Certificates, and press OK.
c Press B or b to select the desired certificate.
When OK is pressed, a detailed information window
will appear.
When the BLUE button is pressed, Disable or
Enable bar will appear. It changes whenever BLUE
button is pressed.
d Press BACK.
Item Description
Image Sets display/non-display of images.
Table Sets effect/non-effect of tables.
CSS Sets effect/non-effect of CSS.
Sets effect/non-effect of pop-up windows.
Animation Sets display/non-display of animations.
JavaScript Sets effect/non-effect of JavaScript.
Word wrap Sets effect/non-effect of Word Wrap. If Word
Wrap is enabled, a word not finished at the
end of a line is shifted to the next line.
Sets effect/non-effect of Rapid-Render. If
Rapid-Render is enabled, texts and links are
displayed first, and the images and the
tables, etc. are displayed afterward. The
highlight can be moved with the text and
the link displayed.
Item Settings
Security When jumping from a protected page to an
unprotected page, the message is displayed
when the check is applied to Notify of
secure/non-secure page changes.
Apply the check to select SSL version from
SSL Version to use (SSL2.0, SSL3.0,
A content confirmation of the certification
and a setting effect/non-effect can be done
in Root Certificates and CA Certificates
shown below.
Cookies Accept all: Cookie is received, and it records
in this TV.
Reject all: Cookie is not received.
Prompt before accepting: When Cookie is
received, a message window will be
Deletes all recorded Cookies.
Cache Use cache: When the check is applied to
this, cache is used.
Delete All Cache Data: Deletes all the cache
data preserved in the television.
Displays the information on a browser.