User Guide

the power cords. Also,
heavy objects on, pull o
sively bend the cords, a
an abnormal condition such
the machines are producing
strange smells may cause fi
electric shock. In these ca
immediately turn off the
switches and disconnect the power
cord plugs from the outlet. Then,
contact your sales
agent (or mainte-
disconnect the power cord plugs from
the outlet, and the contact your sales
agent (or maintenance and service
power switches
and disconnect the
power cord plugs from the outlet, ant
J, the contact your sales agent (or
maintenance and service agent).
use of the machine in that
on may cause fire or electric
Ensure that the equipment is
properly grounded. Extension cables
should also be grounded. Fire or
electric shock can occur on improp-
erly grounded equipment.
W Do not install the machines where
they might be exposed to direct
[Precautions During installation]
- sunlight, high humidity, or dust.
Do not place the machines on
unstable or slanted surfaces, as they
may drop or fall and cause injury.
the machines, as this will cause heat
become unbalanced and fall causing to build up inside the machines and
may cause fire.