Operation Manual

Dvd: Digital Versatile Disc
DVD-R: Digital Versatile Disc-Recordable
DVD-RAM: Digital Versatile Disc-Random Access Memory
DVD-R DL: Digital Versatile Disc Recordable Double Layer
DVD-ROM: Digital Versatile Disc-Read Only Memory
DVD-RW: Digital Versatile Disc-ReWritable
DVD+R DL: Digital Versatile Disc Recordable Double Layer
FAT: File Allocation Table
FCC: Federal Communications Commission
FHD: Full High Definition
GB: gigabyte
GBps: gigabytes per seconde
HD: High Definition
HD+: High Definition Plus
HDD: Hard Disk Drive (vaste schijf)
HDMI: High-Definition Multimedia Interface
HDMI CEC: High-definition Multimedia Interface Consumer
Electronics Control
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
I/O: Input/Output
IRQ: Interrupt Request
ISP: Internet Service Provider
KB: kilobyte
LAN: Local Area Network
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display
LED: Light Emitting Diode
MB: megabyte
MBps: megabytes per seconde
MMC: Multi Media Card
OCR: Optical Character Recognition (Reader)
Pc: Personal computer
PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCMCIA: Personal Computer Memory Card International
Gebruikershandleiding 7-19