Owner manual

2. Click OK. The following message appears, allowing you to verify the
Verify Password:
3. If character strings match, the password is registered. Click OK. If they
do not match, the following message appears. You must repeat from
step 1.
Entry Error!!!
To delete a user password:
1. Select Not Registered to display the following prompt:
Enter Password:
2. Enter the currently registered password. The character string you
enter is displayed as a string of asterisks.
3. Click OK. If the character string you enter matches the registered
password, the password option is reset and the display changes to
Not registered
If they do not match, the following message appears. You must repeat
from step 1.
Incorrect Password.
Owner String
This blank field is used to display a message when the password field is
displayed on startup. If a password is not registered the message will not
be shown.
Supervisor Password
If you set a Supervisor Password, some functions might be restricted when
a user logs on with the User Password.
You can start the Supervisor Password utility by accessing the following
folder and then double-click SVPWUTIL.exe:
C:\Program Files\TOSHIBA\Utilities\
This utility lets you do the following:
Register or delete the Supervisor Password.
Specify restrictions for general users.
Starting the computer using a password
If you have already registered a user password, there is one way to start
the computer:
Enter the password manually.
User's Manual