User Guide

100CS 3-39
The following selections also appear in succession at the bottom of the screen :
Drive number select (1:#1,2:#2) ?
(a) Select a drive number and press Enter. The following message will appear:
Interleave number (1/1 ~ 8) ?
(b) Select an interleave number, 1 ~ 8 and press Enter. Pressing only Enter
selects 1.
Unlock format select (1:no/2:yes)
(c) Select whether the disk has an unlock format.
NOTE: This option appears only when an HDD manufactured by JVC
is installed. For JVC HDDs, which are the only disks with unlock
formats, you must select 2 (yes). If 1 is selected with a JVC disk, an
error will be generated. The system defaults to 1 and this message does
not appear when other disks are installed.
(d) Bad track register
Next, the Bad Track register prompt will appear as shown below. Enter the
cylinder and head numbers of bad tracks and press Enter. Note that if there
are no bad tracks, pressing Enter alone is the same as executing All Track
Format described in item (e) below.
[ WARNING : Current DISK data will be
completely destroyed ]
Press Bad cylinder number (dddd)] key ?
Press Bad head number (dd)] key ?
Enter the cylinder and head number in the format above in decimal notation.
Repeat for each bad track you want to format.
After entering the bad tracks, press Enter to execute the format.
(e) All track format
All tracks are formatted as good tracks except those registered as bad tracks
in item (d) above or those identified as bad tracks in track verification de-
scribed in item (f) below.
(f) Track verification
A check is made of all tracks and if an ECC error, ECC-correctable-data
error or record-not-found error is detected at a track, that track is automati-
cally formatted as a bad track.