User Guide

3-20 100CS
3.8 Floppy Disk Test
NOTE: Before running the floppy disk test, prepare a formatted work disk. Remove the
Diagnostics Disk and insert a work disk into the FDD. The contents of the floppy disk
will be erased.
To execute the Floppy Disk Test, select 5 from the DIAGNOSTIC TEST MENU, press
Enter and follow the directions displayed on the screen. The Floppy Disk test contains five
subtests that test the computer’s external floppy disk drive. The following messages will
appear after selecting the Floppy Disk Test from the DIAGNOSTIC TEST MENU. Answer
each question with an appropriate response to execute the test.
1. Select the test drive number of the floppy disk drive to be tested and press Enter.
Test drive number select (1:FDD#1,2:FDD#2,0:FDD1&2) ?
2. Select the media type of the floppy disk in the test drive to be tested, and press
Media in drive #X mode (0:2DD,1:2D,2:2D-2HD/2DD,3:2HD) ?
3. Select the track you want the test to start on and press Enter. Simply pressing
Enter sets the start track to zero.
Test start track (Enter:0/dd:00-79) ?
4. The floppy disk test menu will appear after you select the start track number.
Select the number of the subtest you want to execute and press Enter. The
following message will appear during the floppy disk test.
[Ctrl]+[Break] ; test end
[Ctrl]+[C] ; key stop
Subtest 01 Sequential Read
This subtest performs a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), that continuously
reads all the tracks on a floppy disk. The following tracks are read according
to the media type in the floppy disk drive:
Double-sided, double-density (2D): Tracks 0 to 39.
Double-sided, double-density, double-track (2DD) and double-sided,
high-density, double-track (2HD): Tracks 0 to 79.
The start track is specified when the FDD test is started from the Diagnostic
Test Menu. Refer to step 3 at the beginning of this section to set the start