Computer Drive User Manual

Toshiba Corporation Digital Media Network Company
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Access time ( msec ) <*1>
Track to track seek <*2> 3
Average seek <*3> 15
Max. seek <*4> 26
Rotation speed ( RPM ) 4,200 + 0.1%
Average Latency Time ( msec ) 7.14
Internal Transfer rate ( Mbits / sec )
131.1283.3 155265
Host Transfer rate ( Mbytes / sec )
Ultra DMA mode 100
PIO mode 16.6
Sector Interleave 1:1
Track skew Yes
Buffer size ( Mbytes ) 2 2 or 8 2
Cache Read Ahead Cache
Write Cache
Start time <*5>
( Up to Drive Ready)
3.5 sec ( Typical )
20 sec ( Maximum )
Recovery time from Stand- by <*5> 3 sec ( Typical )
20 sec ( Maximum )
Command Overhead ( msec ) 1
<*1> Under the condition of normal voltage, 25
C normal temperature and bottom side down.
<*2> Average time to seek all possible adjacent track without head switching.
<*3> Weighted average time to travel between all possible combination of track calculated as below.
Weighted average access time = [ Sum of P(n)*t(n) ] / [ Sum of P(n) ], n = 1 to N.
Where, N ; Total number of tracks.
P(n); Total number of seek for stroke n [ = 2*(N - n) ].
t(n); Average seek time for stroke n.
Average seek time to seek to stroke n is the average time to 1,000 seeks for stroke n, with random head
<*4> Average time for 1,000 full stroke seeks with random head switches.
<*5> Typical values are for the condition of normal voltage, 25
C normal temperature and placing bottom
side down. Maximum values are for all conditions specified in this document.