Adjustable Speed Drive Installation and Operation Manual

H9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 199
Display Units for Voltage and Current
Program Utilities Display Parameters
This parameter sets the unit of measurement for current and voltage values
displayed on the EOI.
0 — %
1 — A/V
Direct Access Number — F701
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default %
Changeable During Run — Ye s
Display Unit Multiplication Factor
Program Utilities Display Parameters
This parameter provides a multiplier for the displayed speed value shown on the
front panel display of the ASD.
This parameter may be used to display the rate that a commodity is being
processed by the driven load in process units (i.e., units/time).
Example: An output frequency of 100 Hz would be displayed as 50 Hz if
using a multiplier of 0.5 for this parameter.
Note: PID frequency-limiting parameters are not affected by this
setting (i.e.,
F364, F365, F367, and F368).
Direct Access Number — F702
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default 0.00 (OFF)
Changeable During Run — Ye s
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Display Unit Selection
Program Utilities Display Parameters
This parameter is used in conjunction with F702 to set the method in which the
frequency is displayed on the front panel.
The multiplier setting of F702 will be applied to the display of all frequencies if
All Frequencies are selected at this parameter.
The multiplier setting of F702 will be applied to parameters F364, F365, F367,
and F368 ONLY if PID Process Data is selected at this parameter.
0 — All Frequencies
1 — PID Process Data
Direct Access Number — F703
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default All Frequencies
Changeable During Run — Ye s
Display Gradient Characteristic
Program Utilities Display Parameters
The ASD-displayed response to output speed changes will be displayed as
directly proportional or inversely proportional as a function of this parameter
Selecting Negative Gradient displays an increased output speed as going more
Selecting Positive Gradient displays an increased output speed as going more
0 — Minus (Negative Gradient)
1 — Plus (Positive Gradient)
Direct Access Number — F705
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default Plus
Changeable During Run — Ye s
F701 F705