Adjustable Speed Drive Installation and Operation Manual

H9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 125
DC Injection Braking Time
Program Protection DC Braking
This parameter setting is used to set the on-time duration of the DC Injection
Direct Access Number — F252
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default 1.0
Changeable During Run — Ye s
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 20.0
Units — Seconds
Forward/Reverse DC Injection Braking Priority
Program Protection DC Braking
This parameter setting determines if DC Injection braking is to be used during
a change in the direction of the motor.
0 — Disabled
1 — Enabled
Direct Access Number — F253
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default Disabled
Changeable During Run — Ye s
Motor Shaft Fixing Control
Program Protection DC Braking
This parameter Enables/Disables a continuous DC injection at half of the
amperage setting of
F251 into a stopped motor. This feature is useful in
preheating the motor or to keep the rotor from spinning freely.
Motor Shaft Stationary Control starts after the DC injection brake stops the
motor and continues until STCC is opened, power is turned off, an
Emergency Off command is received, or this parameter is changed.
Enabling this feature will also require a non-zero entry at F250.
0 — Disabled
1 — Enabled
Direct Access Number — F254
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default Disabled
Changeable During Run — Ye s
0 Hz Command Output
Program Special Special Parameters
This parameter is used to set the go-to-zero method to be used by the ASD in
the event that the ASD is commanded to go to zero Hz.
0 — Standard (DC Injection Braking)
1 — 0 Hz Command
Direct Access Number — F255
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default Standard (DC
Injection Braking)
Changeable During Run — No
Time Limit For Lower-Limit Frequency Operation
Program Fundamental Frequency Settings
This parameter sets the time that the ASD is allowed to operate below the
Lower Limit setting before an alarm and subsequent fault is incurred.
Direct Access Number — F256
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default 0.0
Changeable During Run — Ye s
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 600.0
Units — Seconds
F252 F256