User Guide

This is automatically recalled on selecting the Product Code.
Stock unit
This is the unit the item is purchased in. Stock units are created in maintenance and
attached to a Product Group.
Label Required
There is an option to print product pricing labels, as the goods are Ordered. This will
print only if barcode required is selected on the Product Maintenance screen for this
Transfer Quantity
This is the number of units to be move to another Location.
Last cost
This is calculated from the Last cost price held on the Product Maintenance screen,
multiplied by the number of sales units within the selected Stock Unit. i.e. If 2 Cases of
24 are selected and the cost is 1.00 per unit then 24.00 will be displayed in the Last
Cost column
Value at Cost
This is the number of units to be transferred multiplied by the last cost price.
Value at Retail
This is the number of units to be transferred multiplied by the retail price