User Guide

It is possible to manage certain aspects of the ECR from the PC. This is designed to
assist with product creation and restaurant management. New products can be added to
the ECR Screens, and new restaurant table layouts can be designed. However it should
be noted, this option is not designed to manage the ECR programming in it’s entirety
just to assist with the product management aspects of the stock control system.
It is possible to add new buttons to the screen, for selected functions, management of
the buttons is carried out using the following key presses.
Adding a New Button
While holding down the left button of the mouse, drag to create the button size. The
shape of the button can then be control by right clicking. It is then necessary then to
select the button type, and enter the Item ID. If the button is a menu item then the
beacon icon can be used to select from the product list. It should be noted that all types
of functions are shown within the function box. This is to ensure that all keys are
displayed. However, if an unavailable function type is chosen for addition then the item
ID box will be gray, in this instance do not attempt to amend.