Operation Manual

Cleaning the screen and cabinet…
7urn off the power, clean the screen and cabinet with a soft, dr\ cloth :e recommend that \ou do
not use an\ proprietar\ polishes or solvents on the screen or cabinet as this ma\ cause damage
7he following information is onl\ for E8-member states
Disposal of products
7he crossed out wheeled dust bin s\mbol indicates that products must be collected and
disposed of separatel\ from household waste Integrated batteries and accumulators can
be disposed of with the product 7he\ will be separated at the rec\cling centres
7he blacN bar indicates that the product was placed on the marNet after August 1, 
%\ participating in separate collection of products and batteries, \ou will help to assure the proper
disposal of products and batteries and thus help to prevent potential negative conseTuences for
the environment and human health
)or more detailed information about the collection and rec\cling programmes available in \our
countr\, please contact \our local cit\ of¿ce or the shop where \ou purchased the product
Disposal of batteries and/or accumulators
7he crossed out wheeled dust bin s\mbol indicates that batteries and/or accumulators
must be collected and disposed of separatel\ from household waste
If the batter\ or accumulator contains more than the speci¿ed values of lead 3b,
\ Hg, and/or cadmium Cd de¿ned in the %atter\ Directive 6/66/EC,
then the chemical s\mbols for lead 3b, mercur\ Hg and/or cadmium Cd will
appear below the crossed out wheeled dust bin s\mbol %\ participating in separate collection of
batteries, \ou will help to assure the proper disposal of products and batteries and thus help to
prevent potential negative conseTuences for the environment and human health
)or more detailed information about the collection and rec\cling programmes available in \our-
countr\, please contact \our local cit\ of¿ce or the shop where \ou purchased the product
E8 Conformit\ 6tatement
7his product is carr\ing the CE-MarN in accordance with the related European Directives
5esponsible for CE-MarNing is 726HI%A 7ELE9I6I21 CE175AL E8523E 6p]oo, ul 3oNoMu 1, %isNupice
3odgyrne, - .obier]\ce, 3oland
7his product is labeled with CE MarN in accordance with the related European Directives, notabl\ Low 9oltage
Directive 6//EC, Electromagnetic Compatibilit\ Directive /18/EC and 5oH6 Directive 11/6/E8
)urthermore the product complies with the Ecodesign Directive //EC Eu3 and /1
/EC Er3 and its
related implementing measures
If this product has an integrated :ireless LA1 feature, the 5adio ETuipmen and 7elecommunications 7erminal
ETuipment Directive 1//EC is also applicable
DVB is a registered trademark of the DVB Project
© TOSHIBA Television Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2013
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited.
TOSHIBA Television Central Europe Sp. z o.o.
ul. Pokoju 1, Biskupice Podgórne, 55-040 Kobierzyce, Poland