System information

Using BBC iPlayer
You can watch and listen to great BBC
programmes from the last 7 days on BBC iPlayer.
You need to configure a home network before using this
feature (see page 14).
•If Network Lock is set to On, it will be necessary to enter
your four-digit PIN code in order to access network features
(see page 76).
a Press MENU / C c / B / C c /to highlight Connected
TV/BBC iPlayer icons and press OK to open the
This service is not available outside the UK.
This TV may not be able to operate some functions that can
be found on the PC version of BBC iPlayer.
Depending on network environment and the usage
situation, content may be difficult to view.
To get IPTV services you will need a minimum actual
broadband speed of 1Mbps, or 2Mbps for high quality
Using YouTube™
YouTube is a video-sharing service managed by
YouTube, LLC.
This TV allows you to view YouTube content.
You need to configure a home network before using this
feature (see page 14).
•If Network Lock is set to On, it will be necessary to enter
your four-digit PIN code in order to access network features
(see page 76).
a Press MENU / B / Cc to highlight Connected TV/
YouTube icons and press OK.
The YouTube top page will appear.
b Press BbC c to select the file you want to view, and
press OK.
To close YouTube:
a Press EXIT.
This TV may not be able to perform all of the same
operations as a computer.
Depending on the network environment and use case, you
may experience difficulty viewing content.
Though the same volume value, actual volume might be
greatly different depending on contents.
It may take time for the TV to load and begin playing back
Service content and the look and feel of the interface may
be changed at any time without prior notice.
Remote Key On Browser While Playback
EXIT To exit To exit
B To move up
b To move down
C To move left To move Slider
c To move right To move Slider
OK To select
–To display Banner
BACK To back To back
v To stop and go back
c If paused, to play
W/w To pause