Operation Manual

When using MHL (Mobile High-de¿ nition Link)
Interoperability with MHL devices of other manufacturers is not guaranteed.
Toshiba does not provide any guarantee, therefore, against operational failure such as that de-
scribed below when an MHL source is connected to the TV.
- No picture or sound
- Some of the functions do not work be remote operation from the TV
If the MHL does not work properly, also contact the manufacturer of the source device for advice
on its use.
Do not disconnect the power plug when the TV is active and the MHL device is being connected.
Do not disconnect the power plug when the TV is in standby mode and the MHL device is being
Please take note
Toshiba shall under no circumstances be liable for loss and/or damage to the product caused by:
i) ¿ re;
ii) earthquake;
iii) accidental damage;
iv) intentional misuse of the product;
v) use of the product in improper conditions;
vi) loss and/or damage caused to the product while in the possession of a third party;
any damage or loss caused as a result of the owner’s failure and/or neglect to follow the instructions
set out in the owner’s manual;
any loss or damage caused directly as a result of misuse or malfunction of the product when used
simultaneously with associated equipment;
Furthermore, under no circumstances shall Toshiba be liable for any consequential loss and/or damage
including but not limited to the following, loss of pro¿ t, interruption of business, the loss of recorded data
whether caused during normal operation or misuse of the product.
The digital reception function of this television is only effective in the countries listed in the Country
section of the SETUP menu. Depending on country/area, some of this television’s functions may not be
available. Reception of future additional or modi¿ ed services can not be guaranteed with this television.
If stationary images generated by 4:3 broadcasts, text services, channel identi¿ cation logos, computer
displays, video games, on-screen menus, etc. are left on the television-screen for any length of
time they could become conspicuous, it is always advisable to reduce both the brightness and
contrast settings.
Very long, continuous use of the 4:3 picture on a 16:9 screen may result in some retention of the im-
age at the 4:3 outlines, this is not a defect of the LCD TV and is not covered under the manufactur-
ers warranty. Regular use of other size modes (e.g.: Super Live) will prevent permanent retention.
NOTE: Interactive video games that involve shooting a “gun” type of joystick at an on-screen target
may not work with this TV.
INSTRUCTIONS: The exclamation point within on equilateral triangle to alert the user
to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instruction in the
literature accompanying the appliance.
WARNING: To prevent the spread of ¿ re, keep candles or other open À ames away from
this product at all times.