
Connecting a cable box
This connection allows you to watch basic and premium cable channels.
To watch basic cable and use the TV's features, select ANT-]. To view
premium channels, select ANT-2, tune the TV to channel 3 or 4
(whichever channel is vacant in your area), and use the cable box to
change channels.
You will need:
three coaxial cables
From Cable
Whenyou use a cable box with your TV,the
remote control willnot operatesome features,
suchas programming your favorite channels,
labeling channels,and locking channels.
Connecting a cable box and VCR
This connection allows you to watch and record basic and premium
cable channels, watch videotapes, and record one channel while
watching another channel. To watch basic cable and use the TV's
features, select ANT-1.
To view premium channels or record with the VCR, select ANT-2,
tune the TV to channel 3 or 4 (whichever channel is vacant in your
area), and use the cable box to change channels.
You will need:
four coaxial cables
one set ofstandardA/V cables
From Cable
Stereo VCR
ff you have a rrlono VCR,connect L/Mono to
VCRAudio OUTusing onlyone audio cable.
ff you have a VCR with S video,usean
S videocable Cplusaudio cables)insteadof a
regular videocable. Do not connecta
standard videocable and an S video cable to
VIDEO 7 CorVIDEO2) at the sametime or
the picture perfomaneewill not be
Whenyou use a converter box withyour TV,
the remote control will not operate some
features,such asprogramming your favorite
channels,labeling channels,and locking
Theunauthorized recording, use,
distribution, or revision of television
programs,videotapes,DVDs, and other
materialsis prohibited under the
Copyright Lawsof the United Statesand
other countries, and maysubject you to
civil and cdminal liability.