Operator's Manual
Removing the Battery
Batter y ter minals or metal tools could shor t
a gainst metal tractor components causing
spar ks. Spar ks can cause the batter y gasses
to explode, r esulting in per sonal injur y .
• W hen r emo ving or installing the batter y ,
do not allo w the batter y ter minals to
touch an y metal par ts of the tractor .
• Do not allo w metal tools to shor t betw een
the batter y ter minals and metal par ts of
the tractor .
1. Diseng ag e the blade control switc h and mo v e
the control lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position
and apply the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. Tip the seat forw ard to see the batter y .
4. Disconnect the neg ati v e (blac k) g round cable
from the batter y post ( Figure 30 ).
Incor r ect batter y ca ble r outing could
dama ge the tractor and ca bles causing
spar ks. Spar ks can cause the batter y
gasses to explode, r esulting in per sonal
injur y .
• Al w ays disconnect the negati v e
(black) batter y ca ble bef or e
disconnecting the positi v e (r ed)
ca ble.
• Al w ays connect the positi v e (r ed)
batter y ca ble bef or e connecting the
negati v e (black) ca ble.
5. Slide the r ubber co v er up the positi v e (red)
cable . Disconnect the positi v e (red) cable from
the batter y post ( Figure 30 ).
6. R emo v e the batter y hold-do wn ( Figure 30 ) and
lift the batter y from the batter y tra y .
Figure 30
1. Battery
5. Battery hold-down
2. Terminal boot 6. Bolt and washer
3. Positive battery cable
7. Nut
4. Negative battery cable
Installing the Battery
1. P osition the batter y in the tra y with the
ter minal posts a w a y from the control panel
( Figure 30 ).
2. Install the positi v e (red) batter y cable to the
positi v e (+) batter y ter minal.
3. Install the neg ati v e batter y cable to the neg ati v e
(-) batter y ter minal.
4. Secure the cables with 2 bolts (1/4 x 3/4 inc h),
w ashers (1/4 inc h), and n uts (1/4 inc h)
( Figure 30 ).
5. Slide the red ter minal boot onto the positi v e
(red) batter y post.
6. Secure the batter y with the hold-do wn
( Figure 30 ).
Checking the Electrolyte Level
Batter y electr ol yte contains sulfuric acid
which is a deadl y poison and causes sev er e
bur ns.
• Do not drink electr ol yte and a v oid
contact with skin, ey es or clothing . W ear
safety g lasses to shield y our ey es and
r ub ber g lo v es to pr otect y our hands.
• Fill the batter y wher e clean w ater is
al w ays a v aila ble f or flushing the skin.
1. Tip the seat forw ard to see the batter y .