Operator's Manual

Mowing Direction
Alter nate mo wing direction to k ee p the g rass
standing straight. T his also helps disperse clippings
whic h enhances decomposition and fer tilization.
Mow at Correct Intervals
Nor mally , mo w ev er y four da ys . But remember ,
g rass g ro ws at different rates at different times .
So to maintain the same cutting height, whic h is a
g ood practice , mo w more often in early spring . As
the g rass g ro wth rate slo ws in mid summer , mo w
less frequently . If y ou cannot mo w for an extended
period, first mo w at a high cutting height; then
mo w ag ain tw o da ys later at a lo w er height setting .
Cutting Speed
T o impro v e cut quality , use a slo w er g round speed
in cer tain conditions .
Avoid Cutting Too Low
If the cutting width of the mo w er is wider than the
mo w er y ou previously used, raise the cutting height
to ensure that unev en turf is not cut too shor t.
Long Grass
If the g rass is ev er allo w ed to g ro w slightly long er
than nor mal, or if it contains a high deg ree of
moisture , raise the cutting height higher than usual
and cut the g rass at this setting . T hen cut the g rass
ag ain using the lo w er , nor mal setting .
When Stopping
If the mac hine’ s forw ard motion m ust be stopped
while mo wing, a clump of g rass clippings ma y
drop onto y our la wn. T o a v oid this , mo v e onto a
previously cut area with the blades eng ag ed.
Keep the Underside of the Mower
Clean clippings and dir t from the underside of the
mo w er after eac h use . If g rass and dir t build up
inside the mo w er , cutting quality will ev entually
become unsatisfactor y .
Blade Maintenance
Maintain a shar p blade throughout the cutting
season because a shar p blade cuts cleanly without
tearing or shredding the g rass blades . T earing and
shredding tur ns g rass bro wn at the edg es , whic h
slo ws g ro wth and increases the c hance of disease .
Chec k the cutter blades daily for shar pness , and
for any w ear or damag e . File do wn any nic ks
and shar pen the blades as necessar y . If a blade is
damag ed or w or n, re place it immediately with a
g en uine T oro re placement blade .