Setup Instructions
4. R emo v e the v ent caps from the batter y
( Figure 1 ). Slo wly pour electrolyte into eac h
batter y cell until the electrolyte lev el is up to
the Upper line on the batter y case ( Figure 1 ).
Important: Do not o v erfill the batter y
because electr ol yte (sulfuric acid) can
cause sev er e cor r osion and dama ge to the
Figure 1
1. Vent caps
3. Lower line
2. Upper line
5. W ait fiv e to ten min utes after filling the
batter y cells . Add electrolyte , if necessar y , until
the electrolyte lev el is up to the Upper line
( Figure 1 ) on the batter y case .
6. Install the batter y v ent caps .
7. Connect the c harg er leads to the cor responding
batter y posts as sho wn in Figure 2 .
Figure 2
1. Positive Battery Post
3. Red (+) Charger Lead
2. Negative Battery Post
4. Black (-) Charger Lead
Charging the batter y pr oduces gasses
that can explode.
Nev er smok e near the batter y and k eep
spar ks and flames a w ay fr om batter y .
8. Charg e the batter y for 10 to 15 min utes at
25 to 30 amps or 30 min utes at 4 to 6 amps
( Figure 2 ). Do not o v erc harg e the batter y .
9. W hen finished, unplug the c harg er from the
electrical outlet, then disconnect the c harg er
leads from the batter y posts ( Figure 2 ).
Note: Do not r un the mac hine with the
batter y disconnected, electrical damag e ma y
occur .
10. Install the batter y to the mac hine; refer to the
Operator’ s Manual , Installing the Batter y .
11. Connect the positi v e batter y cable to the
positi v e batter y post using the existing
fasteners .
12. Connect the neg ati v e batter y cable to the
neg ati v e batter y post using the existing
fasteners .
Installing the Bag Clips
Parts needed for this step:
Retainer clip
Screw, self-tapping (10 x 1/2 inch)
1. Locate the bag clips and self taping screws in
loose par ts .
2. Install a bag clip to eac h side of the heat shield
as sho wn in Figure 3 . Install the clips to the
bac kside of the heat shield at the holes so the
contour of the clips matc h the contour of the