Operator's Manual

Cleaning the Collection
T he collection sensors do not require any
sc heduled maintenance , ho w ev er; in the ev ent
that the collection bag alar m g oes off and the bag
is less than full, g ently wipe off the faces of the
sensors with a soft cloth. T he cloth can be damp
with w ater .
Important: Do not use solv ents or chemicals
of an y kind to clean the f ace of the sensor s.
W hen finished using the mac hine , use a soft
cloth to clear a w a y bloc kag e betw een the sensors
(cr usted or clumped up g rass clippings or lea v es).
Washing the Underside of
the Mower
After eac h use , w ash the underside of the mo w er
to prev ent g rass buildup for impro v ed m ulc h
action and clipping dispersal.
1. P ark the mac hine on a lev el surface and
diseng ag e the blade control switc h.
2. Mo v e the motion control lev ers to the brak e
position, stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and
w ait for all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving
the operating position.
3. Attac h the hose to the end of the mo w er
w ashout fitting, and tur n the w ater on high
( Figure 59 ).
Note: Spread petroleum jelly on the w ashout
fitting O-ring to mak e the hose slide on easier
and protect the O-ring .
Figure 59
1. Washout tting
3. Hose
2. Mower deck
4. Lo w er the mo w er to the lo w est height-of-cut.
5. Sit on the seat and star t the engine . Eng ag e the
blade control switc h and let the mo w er r un for
one to three min utes .
6. Diseng ag e the blade control switc h, stop the
engine , and remo v e the ignition k ey . W ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop .
7. T ur n the w ater off and remo v e the hose from
the w ashout fitting .
Note: If the mo w er is not clean after one
w ashing, soak it and let it stand for 30 min utes .
T hen re peat the process .
8. R un the mo w er ag ain for one to three min utes
to remo v e ex cess w ater .
A br ok en or missing w ashout fitting
could expose y ou and other s to thr o wn
objects or blade contact. Contact with
blade or thr o wn de bris can cause injur y
or death.
R eplace br ok en or missing w ashout
fitting immediatel y , bef or e using
mo w er a gain.
Plug an y hole(s) in mo w er with bolts
and lockn uts.
Nev er put y our hands or feet under
the mo w er or thr ough openings in
the mo w er .