Operator's Manual

the Batter y in Electrical System Maintenance ,
pag e 34 .
Adding Water to the Battery
T he best time to add distilled w ater to the batter y is
just before y ou operate the mac hine . T his lets the
w ater mix thoroughly with the electrolyte solution.
1. R emo v e the batter y from the mac hine;
refer to R emo ving the Batter y in
Electrical System Maintenance , pag e 34 .
Important: Nev er fill the batter y with
distilled w ater while the batter y is installed
in the machine. Electr ol yte could be
spilled on other par ts and cause cor r osion.
2. Clean the top of the batter y with a paper to w el.
3. R emo v e the v ent caps from the batter y
( Figure 42 ).
4. Slo wly pour distilled w ater into eac h batter y
cell until the electrolyte lev el is up to the Upper
line ( Figure 42 ) on the batter y case .
Important: Do not o v erfill the batter y
because electr ol yte (sulfuric acid) can
cause sev er e cor r osion and dama ge to the
5. W ait fiv e to ten min utes after filling the batter y
cells . Add distilled w ater , if necessar y , until
the electrolyte lev el is up to the Upper line
( Figure 42 ) on the batter y case .
6. R einstall the batter y v ent caps .
Charging the Battery
Important: Al w ays k eep the batter y
full y charged (1.260 specific g ra vity). T his
is especiall y impor tant to pr ev ent batter y
dama ge when the temperatur e is belo w 32°F
1. R emo v e the batter y from the c hassis; refer to
R emo ving the Batter y .
2. Chec k the electrolyte lev el; refer to Chec king
the Electrolyte Lev el.
3. Mak e sure that the v ent caps are installed in
the batter y . Charg e the batter y for 1 hour at 25
to 30 amps or 6 hours at 4-6 amps . Do not
o v erc harg e the batter y .
4. W hen the batter y is fully c harg ed, unplug
the c harg er from the electrical outlet, then
disconnect the c harg er leads from the batter y
posts ( Figure 43 ).
Figure 43
1. Positive battery post
3. Red (+) charger lead
2. Negative battery post
4. Black (-) charger lead
5. Install the batter y in the mac hine and connect
the batter y cables; refer to Installing the
Batter y .
Note: Do not r un the mac hine with the
batter y disconnected, electrical damag e ma y
occur .
Installing the Battery
1. P osition the batter y in the tra y with the
ter minal posts a w a y from the control panel
( Figure 41 ).
2. Install the positi v e (red) batter y cable to the
positi v e (+) batter y ter minal.
3. Install the neg ati v e batter y cable to the neg ati v e
(-) batter y ter minal.
4. Secure the cables with 2 bolts (1/4 x 3/4 inc h),
w ashers (1/4 inc h), and n uts (1/4 inc h)
( Figure 41 ).
5. Slide the red ter minal boot onto the positi v e
(red) batter y post.
6. Secure the batter y with the hold-do wn
( Figure 41 ).
Servicing the Fuses
T he electrical system is protected b y fuses . It
requires no maintenance; ho w ev er , if a fuse blo ws ,
c hec k the component/circuit for a malfunction
or shor t.
Main F1-30 amp , blade-type
Charg e Circuit F2-25 amp , blade-type