Operator's Manual

Removing the Collection Chute
As y ou are bag ging, a small amount of g rass
clippings nor mally blo w out the front of the
mo w er . An ex cessi v e amount of clippings blo wing
out and no audible alar m signalling a full bag ma y
indicate a plug g ed c hute .
T he collection c hute can be remo v ed to be cleaned
and safely cleared of any obstr uctions . Use the
follo wing procedure to remo v e it:
1. Mak e sure the collection bag is empty .
2. P ark the mac hine on a lev el surface and
diseng ag e the blade control switc h.
3. Mo v e the motion control lev ers to the brak e
position, stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and
w ait for all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving
the operating position. Raise the operator’ s
4. Mo v e to the rear of the mac hine and remo v e
the collection bag .
5. Grasp the disc harg e c hute and remo v e as
follo ws .
Important: Use caution and do not use
ex cessi v e f orce when r emo ving/installing
the chute. “F orcing” the chute can dama ge
it or other inter nal components.
A. Pull the c hute out from the mac hine
appro ximately 6-8 inc hes (15-20 cm).
B . R otate the c hute a quar ter tur n do wnw ard
and proceed to pull c hute out fur ther to
expose the first bend.
C . With the bend exposed rotate the c hute a
quar ter tur n counter cloc kwise .
D . Pull the c hute until the k ey is visible . Line
the k ey in the c hute with the k eyw a y .
E. R emo v e the c hute .
Figure 18