Operator's Manual

Greasing and Lubrication
Lubricate the mac hine when sho wn on the Chec k
Ser vice R eference Aid decal ( Figure 26 ). Grease
more frequently when operating conditions are
extremely dusty or sandy .
Grease T ype: General-pur pose g rease .
How to Grease
1. Diseng ag e the PTO , mo v e the motion control
lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position and set
the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. Clean the g rease fittings with a rag . Mak e
sure to scrape any paint off the front of the
4. Connect a g rease gun to the fitting . Pump
g rease into the fittings until g rease begins to
ooze out of the bearings .
5. Wipe up any ex cess g rease .
Greasing the Front Caster Pivots
Lubricate the front caster pi v ots once a year .
1. R emo v e the dust cap and adjust the caster
pi v ots . K ee p the dust cap off until g reasing
is done . R efer to Adjusting the Caster Pi v ot
Bearing in Dri v e System Maintenance , pag e 35 .
2. R emo v e the hex plug . T hread a g rease zerk
into the hole .
3. Pump g rease into the zerk until it oozes out
around the top bearing .
4. R emo v e the g rease zerk in the hole . Install the
hex plug and cap .
Where to Add Grease
Lubricate the g rease fittings as sho wn on the
Chec k Ser vice R eference Aid decal ( Figure 26 ).
Figure 26
Where to Add Light Oil or Spray
Lubricate the mac hine in the follo wing areas with
spra y type lubricant or light oil. Lubricate ev er y
150 hours .
Seat switc h actuator .
Brak e handle pi v ot.
Brak e rod bushings .
Motion control bronze bushings .
Greasing the Mower Deck
and Belt Idlers
T he mo w er dec k m ust be lubricated w eekly or
ev er y 25 hours . Grease with No . 2 g eneral pur pose
lithium base or molybden um base g rease .
Important: Mak e sur e cutting unit spindles
ar e full of g r ease w eekl y .
1. Diseng ag e the PTO , mo v e the motion control
lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position and set
the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. R emo v e the belt co v ers .