Operator's Manual

Important: Mak e sur e that the fuel
shut of f v alv e is closed bef or e transpor ting
or storing the machine, as fuel leaka ge
may occur . Set the par king brak e bef or e
transpor ting . Mak e sur e to r emo v e the k ey
as the fuel pump may r un and cause the
batter y to lose charge.
Childr en or bystander s may be injur ed
if they mo v e or attempt to operate the
tractor while it is unattended.
Al w ays r emo v e the ignition k ey and
set the par king brak e when lea ving the
machine unattended, ev en if just f or a
few min utes.
Operating the Power Take
Off (PTO)
T he po w er tak e off (PTO) switc h star ts and stops
the mo w er blades and any po w ered attac hments .
Engaging the PTO
1. If the engine is cold, allo w the engine to w ar m
up 5 to 10 min utes before eng aging the PTO .
2. W hile seated in the seat, release the pressure on
the traction control lev ers and place in neutral.
3. Place the throttle in the fast position.
Note: Eng aging the PTO with the throttle
at the half or less position will cause ex cessi v e
w ear to the dri v e belts .
4. Pull out on the po w er tak e off (PTO) switc h to
eng ag e it ( Figure 17 ).
Figure 17
1. PTO-On
2. PTO-Off
Disengaging the PTO
T o diseng ag e , push the PTO switc h to the of f
position ( Figure 17 ).
The Safety Interlock System
If safety inter lock s witches ar e disconnected
or dama ged the machine could operate
unexpectedl y causing per sonal injur y .
Do not tamper with the inter lock
s witches.
Check the operation of the inter lock
s witches dail y and r eplace an y dama ged
s witches bef or e operating the machine.
Understanding the Safety Interlock
T he safety interloc k system is designed to prev ent
the engine from star ting unless:
Y ou are sitting on the seat.
T he parking brak e is eng ag ed.
T he po w er tak e off (PTO) is diseng ag ed.
T he motion control lev ers are in the neutral
loc k ed position
T he safety interloc k system also is designed to stop
the engine when the traction controls are mo v ed
from the loc k ed position with the parking brak e