Operator's Manual

b y-pass the pump enabling the wheels to tur n
( Figure 24 ).
Important: Do not r otate by-pass v alv es
mor e than 1 tur n. T his pr ev ents v alv es
fr om coming out of the body and causing
fluid to r un out.
3. Diseng ag e parking brak e before pushing .
Changing to Machine Operation
R otate the b y-pass v alv es cloc kwise 1 tur n to
operate mac hine ( Figure 24 ).
Note: Do not o v er tighten the b y-pass v alv es .
T he mac hine will not dri v e unless b y-pass v alv es
are tur ned in.
Figure 24
1. Side console controls 3. Hydraulic pumps
2. By-pass valve
Using the Side Discharge
T he mo w er has a hing ed g rass deflector that
disperses clippings to the side and do wn to w ard
the turf .
W ithout the g rass deflector , discharge
co v er , or complete g rass catcher assembl y
mounted in place, y ou and other s ar e
exposed to blade contact and thr o wn de bris.
Contact with r otating mo w er blade(s) and
thr o wn de bris will cause injur y or death.
Nev er r emo v e the g rass deflector fr om
the mo w er because the g rass deflector
r outes material do wn to w ard the turf.
If the g rass deflector is ev er dama ged,
r eplace it immediatel y .
Nev er put y our hands or feet under the
mo w er .
Nev er tr y to clear the discharge ar ea or
mo w er blades unless y ou mo v e the po w er
tak e of f (PT O) to the of f position, r otate
the ignition k ey to of f and r emo v e the
k ey .
Mak e sur e the g rass deflector is in the
do wn position.
Transporting Machines
Use a hea vy-duty trailer or tr uc k to transpor t the
mac hine . Ensure that the trailer or tr uc k has all
necessar y lighting and marking as required b y la w .
Please carefully read all the safety instr uctions .
Kno wing this infor mation could help y ou, y our
family , pets or b ystanders a v oid injur y .
T o transpor t the mac hine:
Loc k the brak e and bloc k the wheels .
Securely fasten the mac hine to the trailer or
tr uc k with straps , c hains , cable , or ropes .
Secure a trailer to the to wing v ehicle with
safety c hains .
Dri ving on the str eet or r oad w ay without
tur n signals, lights, r eflecti v e mar kings,
or a slo w mo ving v ehicle emblem is
danger ous and can lead to accidents
causing per sonal injur y .
Do not dri v e machine on a public str eet
or r oad w ay .