Operator's Manual

4. If the wheels do not loc k, see an A uthorized
Ser vice Dealer for maintenance .
5. R elease the brak es and mo v e the neutral/brak e
loc ks to the neutral position. T he wheels
should rotate freely , if not; see an A uthorized
Ser vice Dealer for maintenance .
Belt Maintenance
Inspecting the Belts
Inspect all belts ev er y 100 hours .
Chec k belts for crac ks , fra yed edg es , bur n marks
or any other damag e . R e place damag ed belts .
Replacing the Mower Belt
T he signs of a w or n mo w er belt are squealing
while the belt is rotating, blades slipping while y ou
are cutting g rass , fra yed belt edg es , bur n marks ,
and crac ks . R e place the mo w er belt if y ou detect
any of these signs .
1. Diseng ag e the PTO , mo v e the motion control
lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position, and set
the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. R emo v e 2 bolts and w ashers in eac h belt co v er
and remo v e the belt co v ers o v er the outside
spindles ( Figure 44 ).
4. Pull on the idler ar m to reliev e the belt
tension on the left spindle pulley ( Figure 42
or Figure 43 ).
5. R emo v e the old belt.
6. Install the new belt around the pulleys
( Figure 42 or Figure 43 ).
7. Install the belt onto the spring loaded idler
pulley .
Figure 42
34 inch Mower
1. Fixed idler pulley 3. Mower belt
2. Left spindle pulley 4. Spring-loaded idler arm
Figure 43
40 inch Mower
1. Fixed idler pulley 3. Mower belt
2. Left spindle pulley 4. Spring-loaded idler arm
8. Install the belt co v ers o v er the outside spindles
( Figure 44 ).
Note: Non-commercial o wners will need to
install the front w asher and bolt that holds the
belt co v er in place .