Operator's Manual

Figure 31
1. Spark plug wire installed 2. Spark plug
Checking the Spark Plug
1. Look at the center of the spark plug(s)
( Figure 32 ). If y ou see light bro wn or g ra y on
the insulator , the engine is operating properly .
A blac k coating on the insulator usually means
the air cleaner is dir ty .
Important: Nev er clean the spar k
plug(s). Al w ays r eplace the spar k plug(s)
when it has a black coating , w or n
electr odes, an oil y film, or cracks.
2. Chec k the g ap betw een the center and side
electrodes ( Figure 32 ). Bend the side electrode
( Figure 32 ) if the g ap is not cor rect.
Figure 32
1. Center electrode insulator
3. Air gap (not to scale)
2. Side electrode
Installing the Spark Plug(s)
1. Install the spark plug(s). Mak e sure that the
air g ap is set cor rectly .
2. Tighten the spark plug(s) to 11 ft.-lb . (15 N·m).
3. Push the wire(s) onto the spark plug(s)
( Figure 31 ).
Fuel System
Draining the Fuel Tank
In cer tain conditions, gasoline is extr emel y
flamma ble and highl y explosi v e. A fir e or
explosion fr om gasoline can bur n y ou and
other s and can dama ge pr oper ty .
Drain gasoline fr om the fuel tank when
the engine is cold. Do this outdoor s in
an open ar ea. W ipe up an y gasoline that
Nev er smok e when draining gasoline,
and stay a w ay fr om an open flame or
wher e a spar k may ignite the gasoline
1. P ark the mac hine on a lev el surface , to ensure
that the fuel tank drains completely .
2. Diseng ag e the blade control switc h and mo v e
the control lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position
and apply the parking brak e .
3. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
4. Close the fuel shut-off v alv e located under the
front of the fuel tank.
5. Loosen the hose clamp at the fuel filter and
slide it up the fuel line a w a y from the fuel filter
( Figure 33 ).
6. Pull the fuel line off of the fuel filter ( Figure 33 ).
7. Open the fuel shut-off v alv e . Allo w g asoline to
drain into a g as can or drain pan.
Note: No w is the best time to install a new
fuel filter because the fuel tank is empty .
Replacing the Fuel Filter
R e place the fuel filter after ev er y 200 operating
hours or yearly , whic hev er occurs first.
Nev er install a dir ty filter if it is remo v ed from the
fuel line .
1. Diseng ag e the blade control switc h and mo v e
the control lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position
and apply the parking brak e .