
Removeor markobstaclessuchasrocks,treelimbs,
etc. fromthemovdngarea.Tallgrasscanhide
themowermaytip backwards.
Be aware that loss of traction may occur going
downhill. Weight transfer to the front wheels may
cause drive wheels to slip and cause loss of brak:ing
and steering.
Ahvays avoid sudden starting or stopping on a
slope. If tires lose traction, disengage the blades and
proceed slovdy off the slope.
Use extreme care with grass catchers or other
attachments. These can change the stabiliD- of the
machine and cause loss of control.
Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your
foot on the ground.
Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches, steep banks
or water. Wheels dropping over edges can cause
rollovers, which may result in serious injur B death
or drowning.
Use a walk behind mower and/or a hand trimmer
near drop-offs, ditches, steep banks or water.
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to
the presence of children. Children are often attracted to
the machine and the mowing activi_: Never assume that
children vdll remain where you last saw them.
Keep children out of the mowing area and under
the watchful care of another responsible adult, not
the operator.
Be alert and turn the machine off if children enter
the area.
Before and while bac "tdng or changing direction, look
behind, down, and side-to-side for small children.
Never carry children, even with the blades off. They
may fall off and be seriously injured or interfere vdth
safe machine operation.
Children who have been given rides in the past may
suddenly appear in the movdng area for another ride
and be run over or backed over by the mower.
Never allow children to operate the machine.
Use extra care when approaching blind corners,
shrubs, trees, the end of a fence or other objects that
may obscure vision.
A hitch -kitis available for this machine and can be
obtained by contacting an Authorized Toro Dealer.
Do not tow without first installing this manufacturer
approved hitch. The follovdng guidelines apply when
towing with the approved hitch -kitinstalled.
Tow only vdth a machine that has a hitch designed
for towing. Do not attach towed equipment except
at the hitch point.
Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for
weight limits for towed equipment and towing on
Never allow children or others in or on towed
On slopes, the weight of the towed equipment may
cause loss of traction and loss of control.
Travel slowly and allow extra distance to stop.
Safe Handling of Gasoline:
To avoid personal injury or property damage, use extra
care when handling gasoline and other fuels. They are
flammable and the vapors are explosive.
Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other
sources of ignition.
Use only an approved container.
Never remove the gas cap or add fuel when the
engine is running. Allow the engine to cool before
Never refuel the machine indoors.
Never store the machine or fuel container inside
where there is an open flame, such as near a water
heater or furnace.
Never fill containers inside a vehicle or on a truck or
trailer vdth a plastic liner. Ahvays place containers on
the ground away from your vehicle before filling.
Remove gas-powered equipment from the truck
or trailer and refuel it on the ground. If this is not
possible, then refuel such equipment vdth a portable
container, rather than from a gasoline dispenser
Keep the nozzle in contact vdth the rim of the fuel
tank or container opening at all times until the fueling
is complete. Do not use a nozzle lock-open device.
If fuel is spilled on clothing, change clothing
Never overfill the fuel tank. Replace gas cap and
tighten secure1>