Operator's Manual

Removing and Installing the
Engine Hood
1. T o remo v e the hood, loosen the knobs and
then pull the hood bac k and up ( Figure 17 ).
Figure 17
1. Engine hood 2. Knob
2. T o install the hood, put the hooks into the
slots and slide forw ard ( Figure 18 ).
3. Tighten the knobs in the engine hood
( Figure 17 ).
Figure 18
1. Engine hood 2. Hook
Greasing the Bearings
Grease T ype: No . 2 General Pur pose Lithium
Base Grease
Grease the front caster pi v ots and wheels
( Figure 19 ).
1. P ark the mac hine on a lev el surface and
diseng ag e the blade control switc h.
2. Mo v e the motion control lev ers to the brak e
position, stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and
w ait for all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving
the operating position.
3. Clean the g rease fittings ( Figure 19 and
Figure 20 ) with a rag . Mak e sure to scrape any
paint off of the front of the fitting(s).
Figure 19
1. Front caster tire
Figure 20
4. Connect a g rease gun to eac h fitting ( Figure 19
and Figure 20 ). Pump g rease into the fittings
until g rease begins to ooze out of the bearings .
5. Wipe up any ex cess g rease .
Engine Maintenance
Servicing the Air Cleaner
F oam Element: Clean after ev er y 25 operating
hours , or yearly , whic hev er occurs first.