Service Manual

5-20 Z Master Z597 Diesel Service Manual
43. Install the rear bumper assembly and tighten the 4
bolts (Fig. 293).
Fig 293 DSC-2452
Fig 292 DSC-2504
40. Prime the fuel system; refer to Priming the Fuel
System, page 5-34. Start the unit up and run for
approximately 5 minutes.
41. Check for any leaks in the hydraulic uid lines, fuel
lines, and the coolant lines. The hydraulic system
may need air purged from the hydraulic system,
refer to Purging the Hydraulic System, page 4-13.
Top up coolant and hydraulic uid as needed.
42. Install the engine access panel with two knobs (Fig.
37. Install coolant in the radiator (Fig. 290), and the
overow bottle (Fig. 291). Fill to the line indicator of
the overow bottle. Refer to Checking the Radiator
Coolant, page 5-28.
Fig 290 DSC-2502
Fig 291 DSC-2503
38. Check the hydraulic uid in the reservoir; refer to
Figure 006, page 2-5.
39. Install the battery in the unit and connect the positive
and negative battery cables.