Setup Instructions

Figure 11
Adding Fuel to the Machine
No Parts Required
Add diesel to the mac hine before star ting it. R efer
to y our Operator’ s Manual. for the cor rect fuel and
procedure .
Charging the Battery
No Parts Required
Charging the batter y pr oduces gasses that
can explode and cause serious injur y .
K eep cigar ettes, spar ks and flames a w ay
fr om the batter y .
Mak e sur e the ignition s witch is of f.
V entilate when charging or using the
batter y in an enclosed space.
Important: Do not r un the machine with
the batter y disconnected; electrical dama ge
may occur to the engine.
Charg e the batter y . R efer to the Operator’ s Manual
for instr uctions .
Figure 12