Operator's Manual

2. Place the spacer and spring onto g rass
deflector . Place the L end of spring behind
dec k edg e .
Note: Mak e sure the L end of the spring is
installed behind the dec k edg e before installing
the bolt as sho wn in Figure 85 .
3. Install the bolt and n ut. Place the J hook
end of the spring around the g rass deflector
( Figure 85 ).
Important: T he g rass deflector must be
a ble to lo w er do wn into position. Lift the
deflector up to test that it lo w er s into the
full do wn position.
Figure 85
1. Bolt 5. Spring installed
2. Spacer
6. Grass Deector
3. Locknut 7. L end of spring, place
behind deck edge before
installing bolt
4. Spring
8. J hook end of spring
Cleaning Under the Mower
R emo v e the g rass buildup under the mo w er daily .
1. Diseng ag e the PTO , mo v e the motion control
lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position and set
the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. Raise the mo w er to the transpor t position.
4. Raise the front of the mac hine b y using the Z
T he machine could f all onto someone and
cause serious injur y or death.
Use extr eme caution when operating the
machine on the Z Stand®.
Use onl y f or cleaning the mo w er and
r emo ving the blades.
Do not k eep the machine on the Z
Stand® f or extended periods of time.
Al w ays tur n the engine of f, set the
par king brak e, and r emo v e the k ey
bef or e perf or ming an y maintenance to
the mo w er .
Waste Disposal
Engine oil, batteries , h y draulic oil, and engine
coolant are pollutants to the en vironment.
Dispose of these according to y our state and local
regulations .