Service Manual

5-31Z Master Z597 Diesel Service Manual
Tensioning the Alternator Belt
1. Place a wood tool handle between the alternator and
cylinder block to use as a lever (Fig. 329).
Fig 329 DSC-2585
2. Adjust the alternator to the outside until there is
3/8 to 1/2 inch (10 to 13mm) deection in the belt
between the engine and the alternator (Fig. 328).
3. Tighten the alternator bolts.
4. Check the deection in the belt again and adjust the
belt if needed (Fig. 330).
Fig 331 DSC-2587
5. If the deection is correct, torque the upper bolt to
170 in-lbs. (19 Nm) and the bottom bolt to 40 ft-lbs.
(54 Nm) (Fig. 331).
Fig 330 DSC-2586
6. Install the pump drive belt; refer to Replacing the
Traction Pump Drive Belt, page 4-31.
7. Install the front engine panel (Fig. 332).
Fig 332 DSC-2071