Operator's Manual

Incor r ect batter y ca ble r outing could
dama ge the machine and ca bles causing
spar ks. Spar ks can cause the batter y gasses
to explode, r esulting in per sonal injur y .
Al w ays Disconnect the negati v e (black)
batter y ca ble bef or e disconnecting the
positi v e (r ed) ca ble.
Al w ays R econnect the positi v e (r ed)
batter y ca ble bef or e r econnecting the
negati v e (black) ca ble.
1. Diseng ag e the PTO , mo v e the motion control
lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position and set
the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. Unlatc h the seat and tilt the seat up .
4. First disconnect the neg ati v e batter y cable from
the neg ati v e (-) batter y ter minal ( Figure 51 ).
5. Slide the red ter minal boot off the positi v e
(red) batter y ter minal. T hen remo v e the
positi v e (red) batter y cable ( Figure 51 ).
Figure 51
1. Battery
5. Battery clamp
2. J-bolts 6. Ground wire
3. Terminal boot
7. Red (+) cable
4. Wing nut (1/4 inch) 8. Black (-) cable
6. R emo v e the batter y .
Installing the Battery
1. P osition batter y in the tra y with the ter minal
posts opposite from the h y draulic tank
( Figure 51 ).
2. First, install the positi v e (red) batter y cable to
positi v e (+) batter y ter minal.
3. T hen install the neg ati v e batter y cable and
g round wire to the neg ati v e (-) batter y ter minal.
4. Secure the cables with 2 bolts (1/4 x 3/4 inc h),
2 w ashers (1/4 inc h), and 2 loc kn uts (1/4 inc h)
( Figure 51 ).
5. Slide the red ter minal boot onto the positi v e
(red) batter y post.
6. Secure the batter y with J-bolts , hold do wn
clamp , 2 w ashers (1/4 inc h), and 2 wing n uts
(1/4 inc h) ( Figure 51 ).
Charging the Battery
Charging the batter y pr oduces gasses that
can explode.
Nev er smok e near the batter y and k eep
spar ks and flames a w ay fr om batter y .
Important: Al w ays k eep the batter y
full y charged (1.265 specific g ra vity). T his
is especiall y impor tant to pr ev ent batter y
dama ge when the temperatur e is belo w 32°F
1. Mak e sure the filler caps are installed in batter y .
Charg e batter y for 10 to 15 min utes at 25 to 30
amps or 30 min utes at 10 amps .
2. W hen the batter y is fully c harg ed, unplug
the c harg er from the electrical outlet, then
disconnect the c harg er leads from the batter y
posts ( Figure 52 ).
3. Install the batter y in the mac hine and connect
the batter y cables , refer to Installing the
Batter y .
Note: Do not r un the mac hine with the
batter y disconnected, electrical damag e ma y
occur .