Service Manual

7-6 Z580/Z593/Z595 Diesel Service Manual
Mower Deck Installation
15. Tie the struts up, out of the way of the mower deck
being removed.
16. Remove the 4 wood blocks from each corner of the
mower deck.
17. Turn the right front castor wheel so the castor fork
is angled forward to allow more clearance for sliding
the mower deck out (Fig. 704).
1. Turn the right front wheel so the castor fork is angled
forward to allow more clearance for sliding the
mower under the frame (Fig. 706).
Fig 704 PICT-4041
Fig 706 PICT-4041
2. Slide the mower deck under the right side of the
frame (Fig. 707).
18. Slide the mower deck out from under the right side
of the frame (Fig. 705).
Fig 707 PICT-4043
Fig 705 PICT-4042