Operator's Manual
2. Clean the area around filler nec k of h y draulic
tank ( Figure 66 ).
3. R emo v e the cap from the filler nec k. Look
inside to c hec k if there is fluid in the reser v oir
( Figure 66 ).
4. If there is no fluid, add fluid to the reser v oir
until it reac hes the cold lev el of the baffle .
5. R un the mac hine at lo w idle for 15 min utes to
allo w any air to purg e out of the system and
w ar m the fluid. R efer to Star ting and Stopping
the Engine in Operation , pag e 16 .
6. R ec hec k the fluid lev el while the fluid is w ar m.
T he fluid should be betw een cold and hot.
7. If required, add fluid to the h y draulic tank.
Note: T he fluid lev el should be to the top
of the hot lev el of the baffle , when the fluid
is hot ( Figure 66 ).
8. Install cap on filler nec k.
Figure 66
1. Cap
3. Cold uid level-full
2. Bafe 4. Hot uid level-full
Hy draulic fluid escaping under pr essur e
can penetrate skin and cause injur y .
• If h y draulic fluid is injected into the
skin it must be surgicall y r emo v ed
within a few hour s by a doctor f amiliar
with this type of injur y . Gang r ene
may r esult if this is not done.
• K eep body and hands a w ay fr om pin
hole leaks or nozzles that eject high
pr essur e h y draulic fluid.
• Use cardboard or paper to find
h y draulic leaks.
• Safel y r eliev e all pr essur e in the
h y draulic system bef or e perf or ming
an y w or k on the h y draulic system.
• Mak e sur e all h y draulic fluid hoses
and lines ar e in good condition and
all h y draulic connections and fittings
ar e tight bef or e appl ying pr essur e to
h y draulic system.
Replacing the Hydraulic Filter and Oil
Chang e the h y draulic filter and oil as follo ws:
• After the first 25 operating hours .
• Chang e yearly after the first 25 operating hours .
Use summer filter abo v e 32°F (0°C)
Use winter filter belo w 32°F (0°C)
1. Diseng ag e the PTO , mo v e the motion control
lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position and set
the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
Important: Do not substitute automoti v e
oil filter or sev er e h y draulic system dama ge
may r esult.
3. Place drain pan under filter , remo v e the old
filter and wipe the filter adapter g ask et surface
clean ( Figure 67 ).